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Teaching Innovation Studios

A collection of lesson plans, activities, assignments, and pedagogical research connected to the teaching topics we discuss in our learning community.

Teaching Innovation Studios

The Teaching Innovation Studios began in Academic Year 2015-2016. A group of faculty interested in forming a community of practice with colleagues to support each other in learning about and applying new and innovative practices in our teaching partnered with the Instructional Consultant from the Faculty Enrichment office to hold a series of Teaching Innovation Studios. At each Studio we discuss a selected topic related to college teaching. We come prepared to share out own experiences or ideas that we have been interested in trying. Together we exchange ideas, brainstorm, and ask questions, with the hope that everyone can leave with new ideas and recommendations to apply in their courses.

We generally plan two Studios each semester; these are announced by email. Our faculty colleagues are invited to join in these conversations, either joining us on a regular basis or dropping in for individual discussions. 

Teaching Innovation Studios Team

If you would like more information or have any questions please feel free to contact one of us for more information.

  • Sarah McGregor, Associate Professor, Physics Department (
  • Caitlyn Parmelee, Assistant Professor, Math Department (
  • Taneem Husain, Associate Professor, Women's & Gender Studies Department (
  • Chris Odato, Coordinator of Instructional Development, Faculty Enrichment (


The following is a list of topics of our Teaching Innovation Studios. Descriptions of past sessions and, in many cases, resources related to the sessions can be found in the Resources tab.

Past Studios


October 31: Inspiring teaching


March 30: Making larger classes feel small - Approaches to grading and feedback

February 23: Making larger classes feel small - In-class strategies

November 2017: Managing teaching tasks and workflow

September 2017: Efficient course design strategies


March 2017: Team-based learning debrief and discuss

February 2017: Structuring successful group work

October 2016: Alternate approaches to final assessments

September 2016: Self- and peer assessment


March 2016: Enhancing students' participation in class

February 2016: Collaborative learning: Making groups work

January 2016: Beyond the lecture: Integrating active learning strategies in the classroom

October 2015: Concept mapping: Strategies for classroom application

September 2015: The theory and practice of student empowerment and learner-centered teaching