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Mason Library - Services

Known Issues

These are the list of reported problems that are in the midst of being addressed: 

Resource Affects Problem Status Reported Updated


Problem not listed? Report a database problem


Recent Fixes

These are the list of reported problems that have been addressed: 

Resource Affects Problem Status Reported Updated
EBSCO databases All users, all EBSCO databases User is presented with an [Authentication Error Code 103] when first attempting to access an EBSCO database. You CAN click the "Access through your institution link" and get to the databases as a workaround.  Resolved 08/23/2024 08/23/2024
Statista off-campus users blank 'Human Verification' screen after authentication apparently resolved 2/19/2024 2/20/2024
Streaming Video - The Hijacked Brain ( all users needed renewal renewed/resolved 9/18/2023 11/15/2023
ILL requests starting from  EBSCO databases via "Find It @ KSC" off-campus patrons When an off-campus patron clicks "Find it @ KSC" from within an EBSCO database, and then proceeds to click "Request item through Interlibrary Loan" they end up at an error screen.  In progress; vendor notified 3/3/2023 3/9/2023
Statista all users, all browsers accessing via Database AZ list link 'Cookie Consent Manager' popup on every page. Occurs only in proxy.  You can temporarily sidestep this issue if on campus by accessing via direct link to Statista resolved 10/18/2022 10/19/2022