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Center for Research & Writing

For Faculty

The Center for Research & Writing works with instructors across all disciplines to customize a model of support that will work best for your course and your students' needs.

Please contact us to discuss research and writing in your course!

Combine any of these options to support your students!

Tell your students about the Center for Research & Writing

Most students learn about the Center through their professors.  Students can drop-in to the Research & Writing Help Desk @ Mason Library or make an appointment from our home page.

Use this information on your syllabus

The Center for Research & Writing provides services that will help you succeed in this class.  Student Research & Writing Tutors are available to meet with you to help you at any stage in your research and writing process. You can get drop-in help at the Research & Writing Help Desk @ Mason Library or schedule an appointment with a tutor or request written feedback on our website: 

Use these resources in class to support your students

Provide links to Research & Writing Guides and show them in class.

Request an in-class workshop

Tutors are available to lead workshops on a variety of research- and writing-related topics. Instructors can request up to three workshops per semester per course. Check out the current offerings here.

Offer extra credit

We hope that instructors will encourage writers to use our services, and instructors are welcome to offer extra credit to students who meet with tutors.


How will I know if my student came to their appointment or went to the

Research & Writing Help Desk?

Students can ask us to send you an Appointment Verification Email at the end of their tutoring session. The email will confirm the time and date of the appointment. 

Request a course-embedded tutor

Course-embedded tutors provide dedicated support to students in a specific course. They can lead workshops or support small groups of students in their research and writing projects. If you're interested in learning more about this program, please contact Kate or Molly.