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Center for Research & Writing

About Workshops

Research & Writing Workshops

  • Workshops are taught by student Research & Writing Tutors
  • Typically a maximum of 2 workshops may be scheduled for the same class in one semester.
  • Workshops are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, and are subject to tutor availability.
  • Workshops are not available until week 2 or 3 of the semester.

Questions? Email or 

Workshop Topics

Introduction to the Center for Research & Writing | Click here to request a service introduction presentation

Tutor Drop-In and Service Introduction

10  minutes. This presentation is a good way to introduce students to the services of the Center for Research & Writing and to make sure they know how to make appointments and where to find us.

If you are teaching an education course, you might also invite tutors to introduce our pre-service teacher support (including Praxis and Foundations of Reading tutoring).


Research & Writing Micro-Conferencing Workshops | Click here to request any of our "general workshops"

Full Micro-Conferencing Workshop

Full class period. Bring your whole class to the Center for Research & Writing and each student will meet one-to-one with a tutor for a 5-10 minute micro-conference. Tutors can support students at any stage of the research and writing process. Students will be asked to select one topic to discuss with the tutor during these sessions (for example, the tutor and writer could spend time outlining or looking for sources). Click here to view full the "menu" of topics that could be covered in a micro-conference. Note: Students who are not actively conferencing with a tutor have time and space to work independently and/or to meet with you.

Introduction to Searching Library Databases & Micro-Conferencing

Minimum of 75 mins.  Tutors start with a demonstration of one or two library databases or the library catalog while students actively search for a variety of types of library materials (articles, books, e-books, etc.,).  Tutors meet with each student in a 3-5 minute micro-conference to provide individual guidance accessing library resources. Students must have a research topic identified and a specific assignment they are working on. Students should already have basic knowledge about the topic they are researching. Plan for this workshop within 2 weeks of the assignment due date.

Searching for Materials in the Curriculum Materials Library and/or Juvenile Collection

Minimum of 45 minutes held in the CML area of the library. Students learn to search within the CML and/or juvenile collection for materials and find them on the shelves. Tutors follow up with each student in a 3-5 minute micro-conference to provide specific guidance accessing the resources. Students must have a specific assignment they are working on. Plan for this workshop within 2 weeks of the assignment due date.

Citation Chaining for Literature Reviews

Minimum of 75 mins.  This workshop introduces a method of citation chaining/tracking - starting with one source and following citations forward and backward using Google Scholar and Library Databases. Tutors follow up with each student in a 3-5 minute micro-conference to provide specific guidance accessing the resources. Students must come to class with a citation(s) to trace and should be familiar with reading citations and basic navigation of databases.

Archives & Special Collections: Primary Source Literacy

The Mason Library houses many special collections in its archives. Contact Archivist, Rodney Obien at to arrange a class workshop.


Pre-Service Teacher Support Workshops | Click here to request pre-service teacher support workshops

Introduction the Praxis Core Exam

Minimum of 30 minutes. Tutors will offer an overview of the major sections of the test and offer students strategies for approaching the source-based essay. 

Note: If you'd like tutors to drop into your education course to explain how else tutors can support pre-service teachers, you should use the link above to request a visit.