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Center for Research & Writing

Criteria for Excellence in First & Second Year Research & Writing Award


Submissions will be judged by a three-member committee, including at least one representative from the Mason Library/Center for Research & Writing.


Submissions must include a Reflective Essay (roughly 500 words). This essay is the most important part of the submission. While the content and quality of the nominated paper is important, the award committee is most interested in the student's growth as a researcher and writer as evidenced by their Reflective Essay. The Reflective Essay should demonstrate and detail the nominee's persistence and revision in the information-gathering and writing processes as well as growth in their ability to locate, select, evaluate, and effectively use library resources/collections.

  • The Reflective Essay should address:
    • where and how the nominee found their sources (esp. how the nominee found and used any library resources); how the nominee selected/identified high-quality sources
    • any research and writing services used to accomplish the project (Mason Library, Research & Writing Tutors, librarians, inter-library loan, etc.,)
    • the processes of revision
    • any challenges encountered and help sought
    • what the nominee learned about doing research and about writing through this particular project or first- and second-year experiences at KSC, more generally


  • Information sources are of appropriate quality, type, and viewpoint; sources are used to support and extend the author's main idea. 
  • The author distinguishes between source material and the author's own ideas; all sources are properly cited/referenced.
  • The paper demonstrates many of the hallmarks of excellent early-career student writing, including: clear and compelling argumentation, effective organization, and carefully crafted prose.