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Center for Research & Writing




What can a Research & Writing tutor help me with?

  • Brainstorming ideas for a paper or project
  • Researching to develop ideas and support claims/provide evidence
  • Reading through an essay draft
  • Offering feedback on the language and organization or style of a draft
  • Citation help (i.e. MLA, APA, Chicago)
  • More! 

Do I need an appointment or can I just walk in?

There are tutors available at the Help Desk in Mason Library to answer quick, drop-in questions every day of the week. If you want help with a paper or project, we ask that you make an appointment (use the buttons at the top of this page!). Depending on tutor availability, we may be able to schedule same-day appointment requests. 

Will my professor know that I met with a Research & Writing Tutor?

Tutors can send instructors an Appointment Verification Email once a session is over--if you need an email just ask! 


What students are saying ...

Students say ...